It's Good to Produce Well

Who Are We?

Brazilian agriculture stands among the most modern in the world in terms of machines and
technologies. In this context, Nutrimax Agroinovações started 25 years ago, always seeking
technological solutions for rural producers.

Located in the central region of Brazil, in Goiânia- Goiás, Nutrimax Agroinovações offers a portfolio of physiological and nutritional products designed to explore the genetic potential of
plants for maximum productivity.

To achieve this, seeks agreements and contacts with researchers and companies that assists in the development of its products and technologies.


To bring technologies to the field that enhance the lives of rural producers and the consumers of their products.


To strengthen partnerships in the field to improve everyone's quality of life.


Always respecting human beings and the ecosystem, ensuring sustainability for future generations.

Physiological Products

With unique compositions, Nutrimax Agroinovações’ physiological products rescue the genetic potential of crops to achieve maximum productivity. These products act directly on
plant metabolism, enhancing productive performance.

Nutritional Products

Much more than just nutrition, Nutrimax Agroinovações’ nutritional products contain organic
additives that improve nutrient absorption through leaves and directly provide more energy
to plants.

Private Label and Customization

Nutrimax Agroinovações offers the possibility to customize products according to their
specific needs and preferences.

By developing private label products, our store customers can add value to their brand
identity and strengthen their market position.

Manufacturing Capacity

Furthermore, the industry has a production capacity of approximately 20,000 liters per day, giving its associates the certainty of the efficiency and effectiveness of its products, maintaining lasting relationships with customers.


Where Do We Operate?

 Weare also focusing on international expansion.

 All rights reserved® Nutrimax© 2024

 Privacy Policy


Av. Perimetral Norte Quadra 20 lote 11/12 Jardim Diamantina – Goiânia-GO

CEP 74573-260


Landline: +55 (62) 3534-1110
Ludmila: +55 (62) 99408-1543
Neto: +55 (62) 99179-3914